Agenda item - 2030 Carbon Neutral Programme, 18/03/2021 Policy & Resources Committee

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Agenda item

2030 Carbon Neutral Programme, 18/03/2021 Policy & Resources Committee

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 18 March 2021, together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.


130.10   Councillor Platts stated that she had requested the report be referred to the full Council for information as she felt it was an issue that all Members needed to support. She also wished to thank the officers involved in the work and the cross-party working group for their actions to date.


130.11   Councillors Fishleigh, Bagaeen and Mac Cafferty spoke on the issue and expressed the need for public engagement and support for the objectives outlined in the report. It was also noted that the Youth Climate Assembly had raised issues and were pushing for change which would ensure a better future for the younger generation.


130.12   The Mayor stated that the report had been referred for information and therefore should be noted.


130.13   RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


130.14   The Mayor noted that the meeting had been in progress for four hours and therefore he was required to move a closure motion. However, he was inclined to consult with the Leaders of the Groups and therefore would adjourn the meeting for a short break so that he could discuss matters with the Group Leaders.


130.15   The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 21.06pm.


130.16   The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 21.25pm and invited Councillor Platts to move a motion.


130.17   Councillor Platts proposed that Standing Orders should be suspended to provide for one speaker from each Group to speak on the remaining items that were due for consideration.


130.18   Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the proposal.


130.19   The Mayor confirmed that one speaker from each Group and any Independent Member would be able to speak on the remaining items and that where necessary the items would be seconded formally. He then put the motion as outlined to the vote and called on each of the Group Leaders to confirm their position as well as the Groups in turn and each of the Independent Members:


Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that the Green Group were in favour of the motion and this was confirmed by the Members of the Green Group;


Councillor Platts stated that the Labour Group were in favour of the motion and this was confirmed by the Members of the Labour Group;


Councillor Bell stated that the Conservative Group were against the motion, and this was confirmed by the Members of the Conservative Group;


Councillor Brennan confirmed that she was voting for the motion;


Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she was voting for the motion.


Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting against the motion;


Councillor Knight confirmed that she was voting in favour of the motion.


130.20   The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.

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