Agenda item - Council Business - Newly Elected Councillors

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Agenda item

Council Business - Newly Elected Councillors

The Mayor will invite Councillors Mac Cafferty and Bell to introduce their newly elected councillors for Hollingdean & Stanmer and Patcham Wards respectively to the Mayor:


Councillor John – Hollingdean & Stanmer

Councillor Meadows – Patcham.


1.1            The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that as well as having a successful election for the Police & Crime Commissioner, there had been two by-elections. He stated that he wanted to thank the Electoral Services Team for running a smooth set of elections and all those who supported the process both on the day of voting and during the two count sessions.


1.2            The Mayor then invited Councillor Mac Cafferty as the Convenor of the Green Group to introduce the newly elected Member of the Green Group.


1.3            Councillor Mac Cafferty thanked the Mayor and formally introduced Councillor Zoe John as the new Green Member for Hollingdean & Stanmer Ward.


1.4            The Mayor then invited Councillor Bell as the Leader of the Conservative Group to introduce the newly elected Member of the Conservative Group.


1.5            Councillor Bell thanked the Mayor and formally introduced Councillor Anne Meadows as the new Conservative Member for Patcham Ward.


1.6            The Mayor welcomed the new councillors to the City Council and stated that he hoped they would find their term of office to be an interesting and fulfilling one and wished them luck in their new roles.


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