Agenda item - Tourism Recovery Plan

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Agenda item

Tourism Recovery Plan

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.




(1)         That the Brighton & Hove Tourism Recovery Plan (Appendix 1) to the report, prepared under the auspices of the city’s Destination Experience Group be adopted by the City Council.   This plan will become integral to the recovery of the sector; and


(2)         That the work of Visit Brighton, the city’s destination management organisation, in supporting the Tourism Recovery Plan and the wider visitor economy be noted.


8.1            Prior to the consideration of the item, the Chair called a short adjournment to allow for a comfort break and adjourned the meeting at 17.13pm.


8.2            The Chair reconvened the meeting at 17.20pm and invited the Head of Tourism & Venues to introduce the report.


8.3            The Head of Tourism & Venues introduced the report which outlined the impacts of Covid-19 on the visitor economy and the planning for a recovery process within in the city.


8.4            The Committee welcomed the report and thanked officers for an excellent report. It was suggested that further consideration should be given to linking the recovery plan to the anti-racism strategy and for more collaboration with BAME and Community Groups to improve the visitor offer in the city.


8.5            The Head of Tourism & Venues stated that he would ensure this was taken on board as work progressed.


8.6            The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote which were carried.


8.7            RESOLVED:


(1)      That the Brighton & Hove Tourism Recovery Plan (Appendix 1) to the report, prepared under the auspices of the city’s Destination Experience Group be adopted by the City Council.   This plan will become integral to the recovery of the sector; and


(2)      That the work of Visit Brighton, the city’s destination management organisation, in supporting the Tourism Recovery Plan and the wider visitor economy be noted.

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