Agenda item - Waterhall Wilding Project

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Agenda item

Waterhall Wilding Project

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)             That committee notes the progress of the Waterhall Wilding Project


2)             That committee agrees to take no further action in relation to the relocating of the former clubhouse.


3)             That committee agrees to officers exploring the option of refurbishment of the existing clubhouse to provide a visitor centre, education space and café with limited vehicle access as set out in 3.9 and 3.10 of the report.


4)             That committee expresses the wish that no further buildings are added to the existing clubhouse site


13.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that updates the committee on progress on the wilding project at Waterhall and also set out the findings of a high-level feasibility study in relation to the relocation of the clubhouse.


13.2      On behalf of the Conservative Group, Councillor Nemeth moved a motion to add a recommendation 2.4 as shown in bold italics below:


2.4      That committee expresses the wish that no further buildings are added to the existing clubhouse site


13.3      The Chair and Councillor Wilkinson formally seconded the motion.


13.4      In response to questions from Councillor Nemeth and Councillor Wilkinson, it was explained that officers were in continued discussions with Downland Lions and that it was anticipated that the project could succeed without parking, but provision would be made for blue badge holders and a drop off point for school buses. There was a bus route that stopped reasonably close to the site and it was anticipated that there would be people’s preference to walk to the site and take in the countryside.


13.5      The Chair put the Conservative Group motion to the vote that passed.


13.6      The Chair put the recommendations as amended to the vote that were agreed.


13.7      RESOLVED-


1)             That committee notes the progress of the Waterhall Wilding Project


2)             That committee agrees to take no further action in relation to the relocating of the former clubhouse.


3)             That committee agrees to officers exploring the option of refurbishment of the existing clubhouse to provide a visitor centre, education space and café with limited vehicle access as set out in 3.9 and 3.10 of the report.


4)             That committee expresses the wish that no further buildings are added to the existing clubhouse site

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