Agenda item - CIL Governance & S106 Member Protocol

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Agenda item

CIL Governance & S106 Member Protocol

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.




(1)         That the governance arrangements for planning, administering and monitoring expenditure of CIL receipts collected for the Citywide and Neighbourhood portions outlined in appendices B & C of the report be approved; and


(2)         That the draft CIL Advisory Protocol in appendix C to the report be approved for use,  publication and future updating as necessary, subject to any minor alterations (grammatical, spelling or for clarity) to be agreed by the Head of Planning in consultation with the Joint Chairs of the TECC Committee.


10.1         The Service Development Manager introduced the report which sought approval to determine and agree expenditure of the Community Infrastructure Levy funds received by the Council.


10.2         The Committee welcomed the report and the Chair noted that both Councillors Childs and Ebel had requested that a statement from each of them be read out by their respective colleagues due to the restrictions on attendance at the meeting.


10.3         The Committee noted that a further report was due to come to the meeting in November and asked that it include details of the amount of underspend that currently existed in relation to S106 funds and how cross-boundary bids would be determined.


10.4         The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote which were carried.


10.5         RESOLVED:


(1)      That the governance arrangements for planning, administering and monitoring expenditure of CIL receipts collected for the Citywide and Neighbourhood portions outlined in appendices B & C of the report be approved; and


(2)      That the draft CIL Advisory Protocol in appendix C to the report be approved for use,  publication and future updating as necessary, subject to any minor alterations (grammatical, spelling or for clarity) to be agreed by the Head of Planning in consultation with the Joint Chairs of the TECC Committee.

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