Agenda item - National Bus Strategy: Bus Service Improvement Plan

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Agenda item

National Bus Strategy: Bus Service Improvement Plan

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)           That the Committee approves the draft BSIP.


2)           That the Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to:


(i)    approve any amendments to the draft BSIP that the Executive Director may consider appropriate or expedient following further consultation with the Chair of ETS, Chair of the Quality Bus Partnership, ETS Lead Spokespersons and members of the Quality Bus Partnership; and


(ii)   approve the submission of the final BSIP before the deadline set by the DfT (currently 31 October 2021).


3)           That the Committee notes the receipt of a further £124,481 Capacity Funding provided by the DfT to the Council to respond to the tasks set out by the DfT in the National Bus Strategy and that the Committee agrees for such funding to be used in the development of Enhanced Partnership schemes.


35.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that sought approval of the draft Bus Service Improvement Programme with delegated authority to amend, finalise and submit the document in advance of the Department for Transport’s deadline.


35.2      In response to questions from Councillor Platts, it was clarified that the ambition was to include Stagecoach in the common ticketing although there were some GDPR issues to overcome with the technology. Furthermore, officers and operators were seeking to expand real-time information coverage with possible new funding streams available and similarly, efforts were being made to overcome technology issues. In relation to the reduction of fares, dealing with congestion was a significant factor to costs and officers were pushing bus companies to give a better offer. In addition, the Senior Project Manager explained that there had been some misunderstanding in relation to the Budget Council amendment but that was now understood. A circular bus service had been tried before and it was clear that it was not sustainable without significant funding although the matter would be looked at again for a solution. On free fares for under 16’s, the obstacle and complexity was that there would be a big impact on bus services at peak demand time and more buses and therefore more subsidy might be required.


35.3      In response to Councillor Bagaeen, the Senior Project Manager explained that supported services needed clarification was needed on what additional funding the DfT and council could provide as well as any additional support from the bus companies.


35.4      RESOLVED-


1)             That the Committee approves the draft BSIP.


2)             That the Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to:


(i)    approve any amendments to the draft BSIP that the Executive Director may consider appropriate or expedient following further consultation with the Chair of ETS, Chair of the Quality Bus Partnership, ETS Lead Spokespersons and members of the Quality Bus Partnership; and


(ii)   approve the submission of the final BSIP before the deadline set by the DfT (currently 31 October 2021).


3)             That the Committee notes the receipt of a further £124,481 Capacity Funding provided by the DfT to the Council to respond to the tasks set out by the DfT in the National Bus Strategy and that the Committee agrees for such funding to be used in the development of Enhanced Partnership schemes.

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