Agenda item - Health & Wellbeing Board Development Task & Finish Group: Proposals for Further HWB Development
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Agenda item
Health & Wellbeing Board Development Task & Finish Group: Proposals for Further HWB Development
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 4.00pm (Item 28.)
- View the background to item 28.
Report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached)
RESOLVED – That the Board agrees:
(1) To use the Brighton & Hove Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Executive Group for advice when developing the HWB work plan and suggested agendas for HWB meetings. The role of the ICP Executive Group in the HWB work plan will be wholly advisory, with final decisions on the content of HWB agendas remaining the prerogative of the HWB Chair;
(2) To commission an external consultant to plan and deliver an annual programme of up to four HWB Development seminars, including an initial seminar to identify joint priorities;
(3) To jointly develop an engagement plan based on the priorities identified in development seminars; and
(4) To establish a Planning Group to replace the current Task & Finish Group.
28.1 RESOLVED – That the Board agrees:
(1) To use the Brighton & Hove Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Executive Group for advice when developing the HWB work plan and suggested agendas for HWB meetings. The role of the ICP Executive Group in the HWB work plan will be wholly advisory, with final decisions on the content of HWB agendas remaining the prerogative of the HWB Chair;
(2) To commission an external consultant to plan and deliver an annual programme of up to four HWB Development seminars, including an initial seminar to identify joint priorities;
(3) To jointly develop an engagement plan based on the priorities identified in development seminars; and
(4) To establish a Planning Group to replace the current Task & Finish Group.
Supporting documents:
- Health & Wellbeing Board Development Task & Finish Group: Proposals for Further HWB Development, item 28. PDF 175 KB View as HTML (28./1) 33 KB