Agenda item - Licensing Panel Hearing Arrangements

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Agenda item

Licensing Panel Hearing Arrangements

Report of the Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance and Law (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee delegate authority to the Executive Lead for Strategy Governance and Law after consultation with the Chair and Group Spokespersons to determine arrangements for Licensing Panel Hearings until the next Licensing Committee in February 2022; and


(2) The Committee recommends that in exercising this authority the above officer takes into account all relevant factors including latest public health and government procedures with the Hearings Regulations 2005.


20.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance and Law setting out the position in relation to the conduct of Licensing Panels convened under the Licensing Act 2003 (Licensing Panels).


20.2    The report proposed that members delegated authority to senior officers after consultation with lead members to determine the future of conduct of Licensing Panels after the end of July 2021 until review at the next committee in February 2022. The intention was to build flexibility into the arrangements and be able to respond the latest public health and government advice.


20.3    Councillor Simson stated that whilst she had been happy to agree to the current arrangements remaining in place pro-tem. Her preference however was to return to actual face to face meetings as soon as it was practicable to do so and for the situation to be kept under review in the light of decisions taken by the councils itself and by national government. Her preference would be for the existing arrangements to be reviewed prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee in February. The current arrangements could also be problematic for some as not everyone seeking Councillor Bagaeen concurred in that view.


20.4    Councillor Moonan stated that whilst she considered it was appropriate for existing arrangements to remain in place until February it was her preference that face meetings resumed as soon as it was practicably possible to do so. Councillors Davis and Henry were in agreement considering that in view of the present situation in relation to Covid the situation should remain as was for now. Councillor Davis stated that the current situation was not without benefits as it did provide greater flexibility for those attending and in some instances a virtual rather than actual hearing could create a calmer atmosphere in which issues could be considered.


20.5    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee delegate authority to the Executive Lead for Strategy Governance and Law after consultation with the Chair and Group Spokespersons to determine arrangements for Licensing Panel Hearings until the next Licensing Committee in February 2022; and


(2) The Committee recommends that in exercising this authority the above officer takes into account all relevant factors including latest public health and government procedures with the Hearings Regulations 2005.

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