Agenda item - Make Your Mark Campaign Update
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Agenda item
Make Your Mark Campaign Update
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 8th November, 2021 4.00pm (Item 37.)
- View the background to item 37.
Report of the Executive Director Families Children & Learning (copy attached)
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the progress made by the Youth Council towards the local Make Your Mark Campaign that aims to protect the environment and reduce plastic waste.
37.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Families Children & Learning which provided an update on progress made towards the City’s Make Your Mark campaign. The report was introduced by the Youth Work Co-Ordinator and Ms L Brown, Young Person representative.
37.2 Cllr John noted that unlike other authorities the number of students in the city who were voting had dropped and asked if there were strategies in place to address that. Ms Brown said that there had been an online campaign, and officers had met with the Youth Council to discuss this, but agreed that steps should be taken to make more young people aware that they could vote. Cllr John asked if Green Leaf awards had been costed and was advised that it hadn’t.
37.3 Cllr Bagaeen noted that the report said that there were no financial implications and that the Equality Implications had been left blank. The Youth Work Co-Ordinator said that for the purposes of this report there were no financial or equality implications, but said that it was important to ensure that all the different groups across the City were involved in the campaign.
37.4 Mr Muirhead wondered if the Green Leaf Awards could provide validation and quality assurance for charities in the city. Ms Brown said that that was a good idea, but at the moment the focus was on small businesses and larger organisations would be looked at in the future. He said that he was aware that there was a vacant youth participation post and asked if that was being recruited, and was advised that budgets were currently being set and so recruitment would be undertaken once that was done.
37.5 RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the progress made by the Youth Council towards the local Make Your Mark Campaign that aims to protect the environment and reduce plastic waste.
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