Agenda item - Presentation Brighton and Hove Place Based Plan
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Agenda item
Presentation Brighton and Hove Place Based Plan
24.1 The Board received a joint presentation by Lola Banjoko, Executive Managing Director, Brighton and Hove CCG and Rob Persey, Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care, detailing the vision and goals of the joint place based plan which set out its ambitions for the population of Brighton and Hove by providing the framework to develop joint health and care priorities. The plan aimed to set out a clear and concise vision, outcomes priorities and measures, linking together the multiple health and organisational plans and workstreams across Brighton and Hove and the wider Sussex system. The plans had been developed jointly with health and population experts, provider partners and the local population as well as being based on detailed population as well as being based upon detailed population analysis.
24.2 The presentation summarised and provided an overview of the full detailed plan which had been published and was available in the public domain.
24.-- RESOLVED – That the contents of the presentation and the plan which stood behind it were received and noted.
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