Agenda item - Member Involvement
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Agenda item
Member Involvement
To consider the following matters raised by Members:
(a) Petitions: To receive any petitions.
(b) Written Questions: To consider any written questions;
(i) Remembrance Service – Councillor Childs
(ii) Library Services - Councillor Childs
(iii) Anti-Social Behaviour on Steine Street - Councillor Childs
(iv) Brighton Christmas Market - Councillor Evans
(c) Letters: To consider any letters.
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion submitted directly to the Committee;
(i) Notice of Motion on Crime Anti-Social Behaviour – Councillors Simson and Brown
(d) Written Questions
60.1 Councillor Childs presented his question regarding Remembrance Services on page 25 of the Agenda. The Chair gave the following response:
On Sunday 14th Nov Steph attended 4 services: Steine, Hove memorial & then on to Hove All Saints (I was the only Green at these two), and Hove Synagogue. Unfortunately, that weekend I was away or else I would have attended a few, and others lead members were also away.
Each year regardless of in administration or in opposition we feel it is important to attend as many remembrance services as possible to pay respects. This year not all of our members were available but rest assured we take our civic responsibilities seriously.
I think it’s best not to politicise what is an important non-partisan event that we know members across the political groups always endeavour to attend, and apologise that our group couldn’t be at the Rottingdean one.
60.2 Councillor Childs presented his question regarding Library Services on page 25 of the Agenda. The Chair gave the following response:
Before the mobile library was decommissioned in 2013, mobile library users were surveyed and we discovered that around two thirds of mobile library users were already using a static library as well as the mobile, so demonstrating that they were able to get to a local library.
When we completed a detailed analysis of the locations of all library users, we found that these three areas of Kemp Town, Queens Park and Hanover fall within the catchment area of Jubilee Library. This work was done in 2014 and was commissioned to inform the major changes to service that were made in 2015. See map of catchment profile attached. When looking at the map, the darker the colour, the greater number of Jubilee Library users live there.
Since then, libraries have reviewed some of the old mobile library locations, and we created community collections in two community buildings, which local people look after, with periodic support from library staff:
One is in St Luke’s Church, in Queens Park. This is supported by the local community and provides a local collection for those not willing or able to get to Jubilee Library.
More recently, we established a collection and public computer point in Hollingdean Community Centre. The geography of this area, with the steep hills and barrier of the railway line, makes it more inaccessible than it looks on paper. This is supported by the community centre and a local volunteer.
60.3 Councillor Childs presented his question regarding Anti-Social Behaviour on page 25 of the Agenda. The Chair gave the following response:
Officers have undertaken work in and around the Old Steine to address some of the issues which may also affect Steine Street. This includes repairing lighting, dealing more proactively with tents, engaging with local licensed businesses and colleagues in Sussex Police undertaking increased patrols in the area when issues have been brought to their attention. Officers would be happy to meet with Cllr Childs to discuss specific concerns about Steine Street.
60.4 Councillor Evans presented her question regarding the Brighton Christmas Market on page 25 of the Agenda. The Chair gave the following response:
The Co-Chair of the TECC Committee and Officers are meeting with the Christmas Market event organisers to review the 2021 event. All feedback received over the course of November and December, combined with lessons learned and points for improvement, will be discussed with the organisers so that these can be considered and included in future planning. All of this will enable the organisers to move forward and create a better Christmas event that is an asset to the city and attracts both residents and visitors. If Councillor Evans, as the shadow spokesperson, would like to accompany me to a meeting with the Festival organisers, she is more than welcome. I’d like to extend that invitation to Councillor Simson.
The Valley Gardens area has been a popular location for the city’s night-time economy for many years and more than 131,000 people visited the Christmas Festival this year. After a challenging year for everyone I was pleased to see a new winter event attract footfall and interest generating social and economic benefits for the city, delivered by a locally based event management organisation.
(g) Notices of Motion
60.5 The Chair invited Councillor Simson to move the Notice of Motion on page 27 of the Agenda, which was seconded by Councillor Brown.
60.6 The Chair invited Councillor Childs to move the Amendment to the Notice of Motion on page 5 of Addendum 4, which was seconded by Councillor Evans.
60.7 Councillor Powell raised the following points:
· The decision not to renew PSPO’s (Public Space Protection Orders) was taken during the December 2019 TECC Committee, and spaces such as the Pavilion and Old Steine rely on other enforcement options.
· The Council did not decline to apply for Safer Streets funding, they submitted a bid but were unsuccessful, but officers were successful in other bids for safer streets and a bid for safety of women at night.
· There are now sufficient field officers in the Council and a review of them will be taking place.
· Brighton and Hove Council have introduced a homeless bill of rights, including welfare checks, and any issues with tents are addressed as soon as appropriate.
· A response was given at Full Council regarding CCTV cameras.
60.8 Councillor Hugh-Jones raised that the homeless bill of rights provides a non-judgemental approach to homeless people and does not change existing legislation but does provide standards for the Council to aspire to.
60.9 Councillor Shanks raised the following points:
· The word ‘beggar’ should not be used.
· People should not have to resort to survival practises.
· Zero-tolerance to drugs policy does not work, and the decriminalisation of drugs approach should be taken on a national scale.
60.10 Stephanie Prior raised that it is unlikely that homeless people would be in parks, but instead it is the youth that have to resort to this due to a lack of resources in the city
60.11 Councillor Simson raised that the original Notice of Motion was intended to emphasise that lack of action that the Council had taken to stop anti-social behaviour, which in turn would stop the increased policing, and also that other members are focusing on national instead of local issues.
RESOLVED: The amended Notice of Motion was agreed.
Supporting documents:
- Member Questions, item 60. PDF 92 KB View as HTML (60./1) 14 KB
- TECC NOM Conservative 13 Jan 2022, item 60. PDF 195 KB View as HTML (60./2) 22 KB
- LabGrp AMENDMENT 13.1.22 TECC - Tackling crime (003), item 60. PDF 358 KB View as HTML (60./3) 19 KB