Agenda item - Fees and Charges 2022-23
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Agenda item
Fees and Charges 2022-23
- Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, Thursday, 13th January, 2022 4.00pm (Item 65.)
- View the background to item 65.
Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment, and Culture (Copy Attached).
RESOLVED: That Committee:
1. Approved the proposed fees and charges for 2022/23 as set out within the report.
2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture (in relation to paragraphs 3.4 - 3.33) and to the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities (in relation to paragraph 3.34) to change fees and charges as set out in the report and as set by central Government during the year.
Note: If the above recommendations are not agreed, or if the committee wishes to amend the recommendations, then the item will need to be referred to the Policy & Resources Committee meeting on 10 February 2022 to be considered as part of the overall 2022/23 budget proposals. This is because the 2022/23 budget proposals are developed on the assumption that fees and charges are agreed as recommended and any failure to agree, or a proposal to agree different fees and charges, will have an impact on the overall budget proposals, which means it needs to be dealt with by Policy & Resources Committee as per the requirements of the constitution. This does not fetter the committee’s ability to make recommendations to Policy & Resources Committee.
65.1 Nick Hibberd introduced the report starting on page 223 of the Agenda.
65.2 The Chair noted the Labour Group Amendment and invited Councillor Childs to move the Amendment.
65.3 Councillor Childs moved the amendment which was seconded by Councillor Evans.
65.4 Councillor Powell raised that she could not support the amendment as it would incur severe budget implications, and it would not be sensible to consider this amendment before the upcoming budget Council.
65.5 Councillor Simson raised that she could not support the amendment or the report as a whole due to the large number of increases which were unacceptable, such as for children’s library services and the Volks Railway.
65.6 Councillor Hugh-Jones raised that the fees and charges increases are necessary to keep services going, but agreed with Councillor Powell that this debate shouldn’t happen before budget Council.
65.7 Councillor Shanks agreed with Councillors Hugh-Jones and Powell that it would be sensible to wait for Budget Council.
65.8 Councillor Osborne raised that whilst technically a 50% increase, raising charges from 10 pence to 15 pence was hardly likely to make a severe impact.
65.9 The Committee voted against the Labour Group Amendment.
RESOLVED: That Committee:
1. Approved the proposed fees and charges for 2022/23 as set out within the report.
2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture (in relation to paragraphs 3.4 - 3.33) and to the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities (in relation to paragraph 3.34) to change fees and charges as set out in the report and as set by central Government during the year.
Note: If the above recommendations are not agreed, or if the committee wishes to amend the recommendations, then the item will need to be referred to the Policy & Resources Committee meeting on 10 February 2022 to be considered as part of the overall 2022/23 budget proposals. This is because the 2022/23 budget proposals are developed on the assumption that fees and charges are agreed as recommended and any failure to agree, or a proposal to agree different fees and charges, will have an impact on the overall budget proposals, which means it needs to be dealt with by Policy & Resources Committee as per the requirements of the constitution. This does not fetter the committee’s ability to make recommendations to Policy & Resources Committee.
Supporting documents:
Fees and Charges 2022-23, item 65.
PDF 243 KB View as HTML (65./1) 47 KB
Fees and Charges 2022-23 APX. n 1, item 65.
PDF 194 KB
Fees and Charges 2022-23 APX. n 2, item 65.
PDF 189 KB
Fees and Charges 2022-23 APX. n 3, item 65.
PDF 183 KB
Fees and Charges 2022-23 APX. n 4, item 65.
PDF 196 KB
Fees and Charges 2022-23 APX. n 5, item 65.
PDF 110 KB View as HTML (65./6) 29 KB
LabGrp AMENDMENT 13.1.22 TECC - Fees and Charges 2022-23 (002), item 65.
PDF 289 KB View as HTML (65./7) 14 KB