Agenda item - Domestic Abuse Act Strategy and Spend
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Agenda item
Domestic Abuse Act Strategy and Spend
- Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, Thursday, 13th January, 2022 4.00pm (Item 61.)
- View the background to item 61.
Report of the Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods, and Communities (Copy Attached).
RESOLVED: That Committee:
1. Approved the strategy attached at Appendix 1.
Additional Item – Anti-Racism Pledge Update
1. Rachel Sharpe introduced the item mentioning the ongoing work such as the anti-racism in schools strategy, renaming Gladstone Court, and the internal Council diverse talent programme.
2. Councillor Evans was informed that the request from Dilvender Dhillon about having a statue of an Indian Soldier placed in the Royal Pavilion Gardens was being considered as part of the redevelopment of the Gardens which is subject to a heritage lottery application.
61.1 Jo Player introduced the report starting on page 29 of the Agenda.
61.2 Councillor Grimshaw was informed that:
· Survivors of domestic abuse would be supported to stay living in the same area, and part of the strategy will be looking at how best to treat those clients.
· Some money was received for the new burden’s funding, but at the present time officers are unsure if this funding will be extended beyond the financial year.
· Officers are still working on the local action plan, and will be shared with members once completed.
· New types of accommodation for refugees will be considered as part of the action plan.
61.3 Jo Player agreed to investigate the details about the survey to find out who the other 47 candidates represented, and would report back to Stephanie Prior with a response. Stephanie Prior was then informed that there is a requirement under the Domestic Abuse Act to carry out a needs assessment on an annual basis, which would start to inform the Council if they are on the right path with the strategy, as well as feedback sent to the Community Safety Partnership Board.
61.4 Councillor Simson was informed that:
· Better co-production of services with local providers is being looked into.
· A request for more emphasis on preventative work would be fed back to officers creating the report for March committee.
61.5 Councillor Brown raised that:
· There are some troubling statements in the report, highlighting the importance of the strategy.
· There is a grave shortage of accommodation spaces, which are especially unsuitable for large families, women with teenage sons, male victims, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and children.
· Where safe and possible, sanctuary schemes should be promoted more to keep pressure off accommodation, and to keep children in school with their peers.
· It is clear that some women want single sex accommodation, which should be provided.
61.6 Councillor Hugh-Jones was informed that:
· A lot of the comments in the survey reflect actions they’d like the Council to take forward, and it is recognised that women and children should be prioritised.
· The Charity responses in the survey are likely to be treated as individual responses, but Jo Player would double check and report back to Councillor Hugh-Jones.
61.7 Councillor Evans was informed that the strategy defines housing services as a key issue, and there is currently a process of improvement and transformation in the Council across the housing services, including the domestic abuse support services.
61.8 Councillor Powell thanked Jo Player for the report, as well as all respondents, and the community voluntary sector.
RESOLVED: That Committee:
1. Approved the strategy attached at Appendix 1.
Supporting documents:
- Domestic Abuse Act Strategy and Spend, item 61. PDF 372 KB View as HTML (61./1) 42 KB
- Domestic Abuse Act Strategy and Spend APX. n 1, item 61. PDF 1 MB View as HTML (61./2) 626 KB
- Domestic Abuse Act Strategy and Spend APX. n 2, item 61. PDF 311 KB View as HTML (61./3) 72 KB
- DA Strategy Appendix 3, item 61. PDF 654 KB