Agenda item - Anti-Racism Pledge Update

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Agenda item

Anti-Racism Pledge Update

Report of the Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods, & Communities (Copy Attached).


RESOLVED: That the Committee –



(i)             Noted the report;


(ii)            Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities to award the £110,000 – previously allocated to the World Reimagined Project - in accordance with the broad principles set out at paragraph 3.7.5. and with oversight from the cross-party Members Advisory Group for the council’s Voluntary Community Sector grant programme;


(iii)           Approved the use of funds allocated to the cultural programme of the World Reimagined Project to establish a budget of £50,000 for uses outlined in paragraph 3.7.5 which will be part of the ABCD Plan for Cultural Recovery.



77.1 Emma McDermott introduced the report starting on page 17 of the Agenda.


77.2 Cllr Simson was informed that the reporting centres are Possibility People, the Racial Harassment Forum, and the Rainbow Hub, and are due to open on the 1 April.


77.3 Stephanie Prior raised that:


·       Thanks should be forwarded to Jamarl Billy and the Community Engagement Team.

·       Regarding 3.32, wondered if the BICP office supports the CICs as it would be good to make links between them so that the local projects can be maximised, and for them to succeed long term.

·       It is good to see that the World Reimagined project funding will be discussed at the Community Advisory Group, but to make sure it is well marketed so everyone can be involved in the decision making process.

·       Tourism and Business should be added to the initiatives as Barclays, BICP, and the Sussex Innovation Centre are offering support to Black and Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in terms of business innovation.


Stephanie Prior was informed that a written response would be provided to her regarding point 3.6 as to whether the ABCD plan for cultural recovery was specific to the current strategy. Cllr Powell added that big thanks should be given to Stephanie Prior and the Community Advisory Group.


77.4 Cllr Simson raised that she was glad that the World Reimagined project funding had been ringfenced for other projects. Cllr Powell agreed that the money should be kept in the city for anti-racist work.


77.5 Joanna Martindale was informed that the £110,000 is a one off investment and no other funding has been allocated at Budget Council.


77.6 Cllr Appich was informed:


·       A written response would be circulated about how staff were selected for the diversity talent programme.

·       A written response would be provided regarding the uptake of anti racist training taken by staff.

·       Conversations have been taken with the museums trust about their way forward for statues and monuments, and a document and tender will be put out to make some progress, whilst consulting numerous groups who are interested in paving the way forward.


77.7 The Chair noted the Labour Group Amendment and invited Cllr Appich to move the Amendment.


77.8 Cllr Appich moved the Amendment which was seconded by Cllr Evans.


77.9 Cllr Simson raised that nothing would go forward without the input of the Community Advisory Group, but the original recommendations would be the best way to proceed.


77.10 Cllr Littman raised that he would be unable to support the Amendment as the budgets shouldn’t be conflated under one strategy.


77.11 Cllr Evans raised that the idea is to include smaller projects in the budget under the umbrella of the anti-racist strategy.


RESOLVED: That the Committee:



(i)             Noted the report;


(ii)            Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities to award the £110,000 – previously allocated to the World Reimagined Project - in accordance with the broad principles set out at paragraph 3.7.5. and with oversight from the cross-party Members Advisory Group for the council’s Voluntary Community Sector grant programme;


(iii)           Approved the use of funds allocated to the cultural programme of the World Reimagined Project to establish a budget of £50,000 for uses outlined in paragraph 3.7.5 which will be part of the ABCD Plan for Cultural Recovery.


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