Agenda item - Public Space Protection Orders - barbecues, lanterns and balloons: Outcome of Public Consultation

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Agenda item

Public Space Protection Orders - barbecues, lanterns and balloons: Outcome of Public Consultation

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)            That Committee note the results of the public consultation as detailed in Appendix 1.


2)            That Committee agrees to make a PSPO to stop the use of single-use, disposable barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons in or on council-owned parks, open spaces and the seafront.


3)            That Committee requests officers bring a report back to a future meeting of ETS, outlining alternative provisions (such as, but not limited to; permanent communal barbecue pits), that could be provided to allow residents without gardens or outdoor spaces the opportunity to enjoy barbecues.


4)            That Committee approves the updated Environmental Enforcement Framework as detailed in Appendix 2 (tracked changes version) and Appendix 3 (clean version).


5)            That Committee approve the £100 fine for failure to comply with the PSPOs.


6)            That Committee authorise Environmental Enforcement Officers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance with PSPOs in respect of the use of single-use barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons.


95.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that presented the results of the public consultation  for the introduction of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to manage environmental anti-social behaviour, namely the use of disposable barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons on the seafront and in council owned open spaces and recommendations on how to proceed, based on the results of the consultation.


95.2      On behalf of the Labour Group, Councillor Fowler moved the following motion to amend the recommendations:


2.3     That Committee requests officers bring a report back to a future meeting of ETS, outlining alternative provisions (such as, but not limited to; permanent communal barbecue pits), that could be provided to allow residents without gardens or outdoor spaces the opportunity to enjoy barbecues.


2.34    That Committee approves the updated Environmental Enforcement Framework as detailed in Appendix 2 (tracked changes version) and Appendix 3 (clean version).


2.45    That Committee approve the £100 fine for failure to comply with the PSPOs.


2.56    That Committee authorise Environmental Enforcement Officers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance with PSPOs in respect of the use of single-use barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons.


95.3      Councillor Wilkinson formally seconded the motion.


95.4      On behalf of the Conservative Group, Councillor Nemeth moved the following motion to amend the recommendations:


2.2    That Committee agrees to make a PSPO to stop the use of single-use, disposable barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons in or on council-owned parks, open spaces and the seafront.


2.5   That Committee authorise Environmental Enforcement Officers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance with PSPOs in respect of the use of single-use barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons.


2.6  That further research will be carried out to investigate the possibility of communal barbecues, barbecue areas or no-barbecue beaches and a report brought back to Committee with the results of those investigations.



95.5      Councillor Peltzer Dunn formally seconded the motion.


95.6      The Chair put the Labour Group motion to the vote that passed.


95.7      The Chair put the Conservative Group motion to the vote that failed.


95.8      The Chair put the recommendations as amended to the vote that were agreed.


95.9      Resolved-


1)          That Committee note the results of the public consultation as detailed in Appendix 1.


2)          That Committee agrees to make a PSPO to stop the use of single-use, disposable barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons in or on council-owned parks, open spaces and the seafront.


3)          That Committee requests officers bring a report back to a future meeting of ETS, outlining alternative provisions (such as, but not limited to; permanent communal barbecue pits), that could be provided to allow residents without gardens or outdoor spaces the opportunity to enjoy barbecues.


4)          That Committee approves the updated Environmental Enforcement Framework as detailed in Appendix 2 (tracked changes version) and Appendix 3 (clean version).


5)          That Committee approve the £100 fine for failure to comply with the PSPOs.


6)          That Committee authorise Environmental Enforcement Officers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance with PSPOs in respect of the use of single-use barbecues and the release of lanterns and balloons.

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