Agenda item - Hanover & Tarner Liveable Neigbourhood

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Agenda item

Hanover & Tarner Liveable Neigbourhood

Report of Interim Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture


That Committee


1)             Welcomes the progress made through local community engagement and co-production, which has helped develop the preferred option for the Hanover & Tarner Liveable Neighbourhood.


2)             Agrees that the preferred option, as shown in Appendix 1 of this report is progressed through a public consultation exercise, and that the proposed final scheme be reported back to a future meeting of this committee.


3)             Agrees that, based on current cost estimates, consideration will be given to seeking additional funding from the 2022-23 Carbon Neutral Fund, as outlined in 7.1, subject to approval by the Policy & Resources committee in the second half of 2022.


4)             Agrees the proposed Project Monitoring Framework set out in Appendix 4 of this report.


5)             Agrees that officers will engage with members of the local community to explore potential mitigation and improvement measures on roads that border the pilot LTN project. This will include the prioritization of those measures, should there be insufficient funds, to carry out all the potential measures explored.


13.1      The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that  requested approval for the Liveable Traffic Neighborhood (LTN) preferred option (Appendix 1) to be put to public consultation and the adoption of a draft Project Monitoring Framework (Appendix 4), that would track the outcomes of the experimental project, once delivered.


13.2      In response to questions from Councillor Bagaeen, it was explained that £300,000 had been allocated to the pilot LTN from the LTP Capital Programme. Approximately half of that had been spent on procuring services for design and a significant amount of traffic surveys and the remaining amount would be used for project delivery. It was added that a competitive tender process had been run in accordance with the council’s procurement framework.


13.3      In response to a query from Councillor Lloyd, it was confirmed that there would be a six-month period of initial consultation and the Experimental Traffic Order (ETRO) could be amended to refine that project. There would then be a further year of collating data so the committee could come to a decision.


13.4      In response to a question and statement from Councillor Bagaeen, the Interim Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that all procurements were undertaken using an approved framework and regulation using a legitimate and transparent process that was also audited. The additional funding would be requested of Policy & Resources Committee later in the year. The Legal Officer added that the council has contract standing orders use a framework and suppliers and contractors could not get on to framework unless they had already undertaken a competitive process. Contractors remained on that framework for a period of four years in line with legislation.


13.5      Resolved-


That Committee


1)             Welcomes the progress made through local community engagement and co-production, which has helped develop the preferred option for the Hanover & Tarner Liveable Neighbourhood.


2)             Agrees that the preferred option, as shown in Appendix 1 of this report is progressed through a public consultation exercise, and that the proposed final scheme be reported back to a future meeting of this committee.


3)             Agrees that, based on current cost estimates, consideration will be given to seeking additional funding from the 2022-23 Carbon Neutral Fund, as outlined in 7.1, subject to approval by the Policy & Resources committee in the second half of 2022.


4)             Agrees the proposed Project Monitoring Framework set out in Appendix 4 of this report.


5)             Agrees that officers will engage with members of the local community to explore potential mitigation and improvement measures on roads that border the pilot LTN project. This will include the prioritization of those measures, should there be insufficient funds, to carry out all the potential measures explored.

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