Agenda item - The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: Update

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Agenda item

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: Update

Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment, and Culture (Copy Attached).



RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the progress to date on preparations for the Jubilee celebrations.



86.1 Nick Hibberd introduced the report starting on page 361 of the Agenda.


86.2 Councillor Simson thanked officers for the report, and was informed that communities are being invited to come forward and apply for street closures sooner rather than later – and there are sufficient resources within the Council to deal with them.


86.3 Councillor Osborne also thanked officers for the report and raised confirmed that lots of effort had been put in to ensure the celebrations could go ahead.


RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the progress to date on preparations for the Jubilee celebrations.


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