Agenda item - City Environment Modernisation Update

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Agenda item

City Environment Modernisation Update

Report of Interim Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture


1)             That Committee note the progress of the Modernisation Programme, including the updates in Appendix 1.


2)             That Committee agrees to add the roads listed in Appendix 2 to the current T-Zone area.


3)             That Committee agrees the establishment of a trade recycling and glass sack service which uses existing communal bin infrastructure.


4)             That Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture (following consultation with the Chief Finance Officer) to revise the trade recycling sack service prices in response to the prevailing market prices for the services provided at least annually.


5)             That Committee approves the response to the government’s HWRC consultation which is contained in Appendix 4.


6)             That Committee approves for a consultation to take place with the residents of Coleman Street to determine whether to remain with communal refuse bins, or move to refuse wheelie bins, pending a wider piece of work as part of the Modernisation Programme.


8.1          The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture that provided a progress update on the City Modernisation programme.


8.2          In response to questions from Councillor Bagaeen, it was explained that the digital software was looking to introduce in-cab technology between trucks, street cleansing service and the depot office that was almost real-time. The digital skills requirement in the updated job descriptions did cover this new technology but also accessing and signposting some of the council’s internal digital programmes and software. There was currently no interaction between the new digital systems and Veolia sites but that could be looked into.


8.3          In response to a question from Councillor Fowler it was clarified that options for staff transport during the current fuel crisis were complex, but options were being worked upon with a number of stakeholders and there had been a significant increase in staff using active travel to get to work. Dog waste bins were being phased out and use of general bins encouraged instead. Progress on the new bin infrastructure had been hampered by capacity issues but the programme would speed up very soon.


8.4          In response to a question from Councillor Wilkinson it was explained that there had been issues with recruitment over the past two to three years owing to the pandemic. Many temporary staff were recruited from abroad and that was now much more difficult due to the UK’s exit from the EU, no such difficulties had been encountered recruiting permanent staff. Six seasonal posts would be converted to permanent posts that in turn, could assist in improving the city environment all year round.


8.5          Resolved-


1)             That Committee note the progress of the Modernisation Programme, including the updates in Appendix 1.


2)             That Committee agrees to add the roads listed in Appendix 2 to the current T-Zone area.


3)             That Committee agrees the establishment of a trade recycling and glass sack service which uses existing communal bin infrastructure.


4)             That Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture (following consultation with the Chief Finance Officer) to revise the trade recycling sack service prices in response to the prevailing market prices for the services provided at least annually.


5)             That Committee approves the response to the government’s HWRC consultation which is contained in Appendix 4.


6)             That Committee approves for a consultation to take place with the residents of Coleman Street to determine whether to remain with communal refuse bins, or move to refuse wheelie bins, pending a wider piece of work as part of the Modernisation Programme.

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