Agenda item - Minutes

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Agenda item


To consider the minutes of (a) the previous Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 25 January 2023 and (b) the minutes of the special meeting held on 15 March 2023 (copy attached).



44.1    RESOLVED – that the minutes of the 15 March 2023 special meeting be agreed.


44.2    Cllr John noted that at point 33.16 of the draft minutes of the 25 January 2023 meeting, it stated that Cllr John has suggested to Southern Water that it might wish to assume some responsibility for collecting dog waste from beaches. This suggestion had in fact been made by Cllr O’Quinn. It was agreed to amend this error.


44.3    RESOLVED – that the minutes of the 25 January meeting be agreed (subject to the amendments detailed above).

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