Agenda item - Items referred from Council

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Agenda item

Items referred from Council

To consider items referred from the last meeting of Full Council held on 21 July 2022


a)             Petitions


(i)             Clean Air Zone


b)             Deputations


(i)             New Accessible Foot and Cycle Bridge at Hove Station Quarter

(ii)            Request to introduce parking restrictions in Nevill Avenue, Hove


(a)          Petitions


(1)          Clean Air Zone


22.1      The Committee considered a petition referred from Full Council requesting the council enact a Clean Airt Zone to improve air quality.


22.2      The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your petition, it makes some very strong and valid points that highlight the pressing need to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality for the health of the whole city, but especially in locations where we know that there are levels that exceed legal limits.  Air quality in the city is monitored and reported annually, so we therefore have a good understanding of what is changing, and we are seeing some overall improvements in air quality which is really encouraging news.    

We have recently developed and published our draft Air Quality Action Plan for consultation.  The results will be reported back to this committee later this year.  It includes a number of measures and actions that are ongoing and planned between now and 2027.  One of those is an Ultra-Low Emission Zone (known as a ULEZ) which aims to take the principle of the existing scheme in the city centre for buses and expand it to a wider area and for different types of vehicles.  The plan recognises that an expanded ULEZ or a Zero Exhaust Zone could significantly cut transport emissions, especially in the busy central area. 

We are aware of schemes that have been established in other cities.  We will need to ensure that a scheme for the city achieves its objectives, maximises the benefits of reducing harmful emissions, and is affordable in terms of its business case for installation and maintenance.  Looking carefully at how it could be set up and what types of charges are involved will be a key part of this.  Officers are therefore working on a number of initial, technical aspects such as data and forecast modelling and funding opportunities, which are required to support the development of potential options”.


22.3      Resolved- That the Committee note the petition.


(b)          Deputations


(1)          New Accessible Foot and Cycle Bridge at Hove Station Quarter


22.4      The Committee considered a deputation referred from Full Council requesting a new accessible foot and cycle bridge at Hove Station Quarter.


22.5      The Chair provided the following response:


“I think this is a great idea, but sadly at this moment in time there is no mandate from any council committee to seek a new footbridge across the railway, nor is there funding identified. It is, however, recognised that a feasibility study for such a bridge that demonstrated major benefits could potentially assist in future funding bids.

The spending of Section 106 funds should directly relate to providing for the impacts of the associated planning permission. To spend Section 106 money on design feasibility work would be risky in terms of its speculative nature and there being no guarantee of securing the bridge.

If design feasibility work for the wider area clearly demonstrates the benefits of a new bridge and the council was minded to pursue this, it would be hoped that Moda Homes would jointly fund any work to assist its delivery, given the benefits it would have to the Sackville development”.


22.6      Councillor Bagaeen moved a motion to request an officer report on the matter.


22.7      Councillor Nemeth formally seconded the motion.


22.8      Resolved- That the Committee receive a report to a future meeting responding to the petition request.


(2)          Request to introduce parking restrictions in Nevill Avenue, Hove


22.9      The Committee considered a deputation referred from Full Council request the council introduce parking restrictions in Nevill Avenue, Hove.


22.10   The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your deputation. In order to consider reconsulting Nevill Avenue for a residents parking scheme, strong support needs to be shown be residents not only in this road but the wider area. This would be considered when our next parking scheme priority timetable is agreed at the Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee. Our current timetable goes up to 2025.

Nevill Avenue was included in the preliminary consultation for Zone P where the majority of respondents from this road voted against a scheme.

As parking schemes for individual roads are not considered as viable solutions we would advise that residents submit an area wide petition. This is how we gauge the strength of feeling for a scheme and which areas would like to be included”.


22.11   Councillor Bagaeen moved a motion to request an officer report on the matter.


22.12   Councillor Nemeth formally seconded the motion.


22.13   The Chair put the motion to the vote that failed.


22.14   Resolved- That the Committee note the deputation.

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