Agenda item - Community Wealth Building Programme: Action Plan

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Agenda item

Community Wealth Building Programme: Action Plan




1. That Committee agreed to the implementation of the Community Wealth Building Action Plan, as set out at Appendix 1, subject to any minor grammatical, non-material text and formatting agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair of the Committee prior to publication.


52.1 Max Woodford introduced the report starting on page 103 of the Agenda.


52.2 Councillors Simson, Osborne, Bagaeen, and Joanna Martindale spoke about the importance of local suppliers and employment, 20 minute neighbourhoods, keeping a risk register, procurement, breaking up contracts, and a fair employment charter led by businesses.




That Committee:


1. Agreed to the implementation of the Community Wealth Building Action Plan, as set out at Appendix 1, subject to any minor grammatical, non-material text and formatting agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair of the Committee prior to publication.



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