Agenda item - Brighton & Hove Cold Weather Plan 2022-23

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Agenda item

Brighton & Hove Cold Weather Plan 2022-23

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached)


RESOLVED - (1) That the Board approves the content of the report and the actions to be taken by the Council services and partner organisations;

(2) The City Council, NHS commissioners and partner organisations are assured that plans are in place and action identified to respond to Cold Weather Alerts and that service providers and stakeholders will take appropriate action according to the Cold , Weather Alert level in place, their professional judgements and remain Covid 19 safe. 



28.1    The Board considered a report of the Executive Director of Public Health detailing the Brighton and Hove City Council Winter Cold Weather Plan 2022/23. It was noted that the plan was updated annually. For 2022/23 planning had been in the context of the economic downturn, cost of living increases, political changes, ongoing challenges to the health and socio-economic impacts and seasonal influenza.


28.2    The Plan localised the Cold Weather Plan foe England, both aimed to prevent avoidable harm to health, by alerting services and people to negative health effects of cold weather and enabling all to prepare and respond appropriately. One of the main aims of the Plan was to reduce pressure on the health and social care system during winter through improved anticipatory actions with vulnerable people, for this year these pressures would include cost of living, increasing fuel costs with associated fuel poverty, and the impacts of Flu, Covid 19 and other seasonal viruses.


28.3    It was explained in answer to questions that whilst the challenges to be met differed each year the on-going after-effects of the pandemic and the impact of the cost of living crisis represented significant issues for the forthcoming winter period. To set this into context, the key factor and strategies in place and actions to be taken to address them were highlighted.   


28.4    Councillor Robins queried the need to keep homes at a temperature of 18 degrees even through the night which seemed very high. It was explained that was advised only for the most vulnerable. Keeping warm with a blanket/hot water bottle was also recommended.


28.5    Councillor Brown referred to the suggestion that “warm banks” be provided which provided a warm environment at hub location(s) which would provided not only warmth but also companionship and the opportunity to interact with others, enquiring whether this had come to fruition. The Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care that a directory detailing winter activities available across city was being produced but was not yet complete.


28.8 RESOLVED - (1) That the Board approves the content of the report and the actions to be taken by the Council services and partner organisations;

(2) The City Council, NHS commissioners and partner organisations are assured that plans are in place and action identified to respond to Cold Weather Alerts and that service providers and stakeholders will take appropriate action according to the Cold, Weather Alert level in place, their professional judgements and remain Covid 19 safe. 


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