Agenda item - Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Public Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)           Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public notified by the due date of 4 January 2023;


(b)           Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 6 January 2023;


(c)           Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 6 January 2023.



47.1 The Chair invited Laura Kingsey to put her question to Committee.


47.2 The Chair gave the following response:


Exact commissioning processes for individual artworks vary according to the source of the funds and scale of project but follow the same five stage process as outlined in the Public Art Strategy:


1.       Preparation – Defining vision and brief

2.       Artist Selection – This may be achieved through an Open Call (Open Competition), Invited Competition (with a pre-determined short list) or Direct Invitation (where an artist is approached directly due to their suitability for the project).

3.       Proposal Development – Detailed design and approval.

4.       Delivery – Production, fabrication and install.

5.       Completion – Launch, maintenance and evaluation.


Funding for public art is secured from multiple sources, including Section 106 contributions, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), funding from central Government programmes and Brighton & Hove City Council.


Laura Kingsey gave the following supplementary question:


Did the Madeira Terrace Electric Gardenr receive an electrical safety certificate for outdoor use, and was it under warranty for failure, since it failed only 5 days later? In other words, can the £25,000 now be refunded and returned to the Madeira Terraces Restoration Fund where it belongs?


The Chair recommended a written response be sent to Laura Kingsey as well as all other TECC members.


47.3 The Chair invited Ninka Willcock to introduce her deputation located on page 7 of Addendum 1.


47.4 The Chair gave the following response:


Thank you Ninka.


Members will have seen the email circulated earlier today from legal, in which I have proposed to withdraw Item 58 on Heritage Assets.  An officer report will be brought back to the next TECC, including the request brought to us in the deputation just now. We need a consultation period with the owner.


The Committee then agreed to note the deputation.


47.5 The Chair invited Jim Deans to introduce his deputation located on page 7 of Addendum 1.


47.6 The Chair gave the following response:


Officers have said that it would be good to get an understanding of the wider impact of this event. While officers have no concern that we will offer the usual support we offer to charity events on Madeira Drive, if there is likely to be wider impact on the road outside of the venue then you will need to go through the usual process to have this sanctioned and any additional costs charged appropriately.


We offer support for the aims of the event, but I suggest you make contact with the Ian Baird at the Outdoor Events office as soon as possible so we can ensure your activity is within the scope of the City events regulations and systems.


The Committee then agreed to note the deputation.



Supporting documents:


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