Agenda item - BH2022/02324 - 13 Hailsham Avenue, Saltdean - Householder Planning Consent

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Agenda item

BH2022/02324 - 13 Hailsham Avenue, Saltdean - Householder Planning Consent


1.       The Planning Manager introduced the application to the committee.




2.       Toby Amies addressed the committee as objecting neighbour and requested that the committee defer the application until a site visit could take place. Under City Plan Part 2 the committee cannot grant planning permission as the external materials were not mentioned in the plans, which didn’t seem fitting to the estate. In new builds balconies are not allowed to overlook, this development will overlook the residents house, and the suggested frosted glass to protect privacy will not be enough. The proposals are not well designed and there will be a loss of garden space. The committee were requested to refuse the application.


3.       Charlie Sharps addressed the committee as the applicant and stated they could not move so needed to develop the existing property. The proposals have been designed to fit into the estate. The property already overlooks the neighbour to the rear and there is no gain in height to the property. The development is simply to help family and is not outrageous. It is noted that a neighbour nearby with a similar scheme has been approved. The speaker stated they were not a property developer and loved the area and wanted to stay there. The building guidelines have been adhered to.


Answers to Committee Member Questions


4.       Councillor Janio was informed by the case officer that the footprint was similar there was no side extension proposed.


5.       Councillor Yates was informed that the colour of the dormer needed to be similar to the existing roof to be permitted development otherwise planning permission would be required.




6.       Councillor Yates noted that moving the roofline forward and changing the colour required planning permission otherwise the proposals could easily be permitted development. The councillor supported the application.




7.       A vote was taken, and the committee agreed unanimously to grant planning permission. (Councillor Hugh-Jones took no part in the decision making process or vote).


8.       RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.

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