Agenda item - Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust Annual Report

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Agenda item

Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust Annual Report




That Committee:


1. Noted that despite many achievements over the past year, that

there continue to be challenges facing the Trust moving into 2023-24.


2. Approved the annual service plan (Appendix 1) for 2023-24,

which includes implementation of a new admissions pricing structure.





Note: Councillors Grimshaw and Robins did not take part in this item due to prejudicial interests.


50.1 Louise Peim introduced the report starting on page 27 of the Agenda.


50.2 Councillor Evans, Councillor Bagaeen, Joanna Martindale, and Stephanie Prior spoke about charging admission for Museums, fundraising, the web page, statues, staffing, community outreach, diversity and inclusion, restructuring, risk mitigation, and loan repayments.




That Committee:


1. Noted despite many achievements over the past year, that

there continue to be challenges facing the Trust moving into 2023-24.


2. Approved the annual service plan (Appendix 1) for 2023-24,

which includes implementation of a new admissions pricing structure.




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