Agenda item - Update on the work of the Corporate Parenting Board

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Agenda item

Update on the work of the Corporate Parenting Board

Report of the Executive Director Families, Children and Learning.



RESOLVED: That the Committee –


      i.         Noted the work of the Corporate Parenting Board and the responsibilities of the council as Corporate Parents.

     ii.         Approved the new Terms of Reference.


40.1    The Assistant Director – Children’s Safeguarding & Care introduced the         report which provided an overview of the work of the Corporate        Parenting Board.


40.2    Cllr Brown questioned if there had been any noticeable changes to the        figures in the Q4 2021/22 dashboard.


40.3    Ms Robinson queried if data was collected for children with SEND and        EHCPs.


40.4    RESOLVED: That the Committee –


      i.         Noted the work of the Corporate Parenting Board and the responsibilities of the council as Corporate Parents.

     ii.         Approved the new Terms of Reference.

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