Agenda item - The Economic Outlook for Greater Brighton

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Agenda item

The Economic Outlook for Greater Brighton

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board


1)           That the Board notes the findings and recommendations of the report by IES on the current economic outlook for the city region.


2)           That the Board tasks the Greater Brighton Programme Board to look at actions and interventions that can be made by Greater Brighton to support businesses and residents through the cost-of-living crisis, as well as opportunities for economic growth and aligned funding bids.


3)           That Board agrees to set aside circa £20,000 to commission work on a city region dashboard and regional analysis, with specific focus on skills, housing and business support. The expectation is that a quarterly report will come to the Board with an update on the economic outlook with a focus on a key priority area and proposed recommendations for interventions.


4)           That the Board agrees a letter should be sent by the Chair, on behalf of the Board, to the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, calling for more support for businesses in the city region and sustainable funding, to address inequalities and local imbalances within the region, in line with the Levelling Up agenda.


5)           That the Board acknowledges the response from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, attached as an Appendix and welcomes the offer of officials from the Department visiting the city region.


20.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that provided the results of the research and analysis undertaken by the Institute of Employment Studies (IES) into the impact of the economic turbulence in Greater Brighton and made proposals in response to those findings.


20.2      The following matters were raised during discussion of the item:


·       Observations on the high housing and childcare costs in the region that affected the employment market

·       The need to understand what sectors re-skilling would be best targeted toward

·       The need for better data on the employment sector


20.3      Resolved-


1)             That the Board notes the findings and recommendations of the report by IES on the current economic outlook for the city region.


2)             That the Board tasks the Greater Brighton Programme Board to look at actions and interventions that can be made by Greater Brighton to support businesses and residents through the cost-of-living crisis, as well as opportunities for economic growth and aligned funding bids.


3)             That Board agrees to set aside circa £20,000 to commission work on a city region dashboard and regional analysis, with specific focus on skills, housing and business support. The expectation is that a quarterly report will come to the Board with an update on the economic outlook with a focus on a key priority area and proposed recommendations for interventions.


4)             That the Board agrees a letter should be sent by the Chair, on behalf of the Board, to the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, calling for more support for businesses in the city region and sustainable funding, to address inequalities and local imbalances within the region, in line with the Levelling Up agenda.


5)             That the Board acknowledges the response from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, attached as an Appendix and welcomes the offer of officials from the Department visiting the city region.

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