Agenda item - Dual Diagnosis

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Agenda item

Dual Diagnosis

Report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (copy attached).


1.     That Cabinet confirms, in principle, support for the review’s recommendations as detailed in appendix 1.


2.     That Cabinet endorses the consideration of all the recommendations by the Working Age Mental Health Commissioning Strategy Working Group.


3.     That Cabinet request that the Working Age Mental Health Commissioning Strategy by presented to a future Cabinet meeting and made available to the members of the Scrutiny Review.


48.1       The Cabinet considered a report from the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing outlining the initial response from service commissioners from Brighton and Hove Teaching Primary care Trust and Brighton & Hove City council Adult Social Care and Housing to the scrutiny review on dual diagnosis (for copy see minute book).


48.2       The Chairman invited Councillor Watkins, Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel, to introduce the report.


48.3       Councillor Watkins commended the scrutiny report and stated that it was a good example of joint working and scrutiny. He had been amazed by the number of responses received and felt that the issue would now be taken forward. He was pleased that the recommendations would inform the Working Age Mental Health Commissioning Strategy and looked forward to seeing the completed strategy in the New Year.


48.4       Councillor Watkins wished to place on record his thanks to Giles Rossington and John Heys for all their hard work on the scrutiny review.


48.5       Councillor Wrighton, the councillor responsible for requesting the original scrutiny review into dual diagnosis thanked the Scrutiny Panel and the Cabinet for their acceptance of the recommendations in principle.


48.6       Councillor Wrighton read a statement from Sue Baumgardt, a mother who had given evidence to the Scrutiny Panel and had first hand experience of the problems associated with dual diagnosis.


48.7       Councillor Mitchell echoed the comments and added that the council now had more powers to hold partner organisations to account through scrutiny.


48.8       Councillor Randall commented that the proposed Local Delivery Vehicle for housing management might look into the provision of better supported housing and that one option could be to use vacant farm buildings.


48.9       RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


(1)       That support, in principle, for the review’s recommendations as detailed in appendix 1 be confirmed.


(2)       That the consideration of all the recommendations by the Working Age Mental Health Commissioning Strategy Working Group be endorsed.


(3)       That it be requested that the Working Age Mental Health Commissioning Strategy by presented to a future Cabinet meeting and made available to the members of the Scrutiny Review.

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