Agenda item - Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

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Agenda item

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

Report of the Executive Director Families, Children and Learning.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


      i.         To note the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) (Appendix 1), which is published to parents and childcare providers so that childcare providers can develop their provision to meet local needs.

     ii.         That further work is carried out with early years childcare providers to assess their capacity to offer the extended childcare support offer.

    iii.         That early years providers are supported to review their business and operating models, as resources allow, to ensure that with the anticipated increase in funding, standalone Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE) provision is available as widely as possible and further support should be put in place for staff recruitment and retention once DfE plans are known.

   iv.         That Family Hubs develop support for parents through the direct service and the digital family hub to ensure that they are able to take up their full EYFE, including the extended childcare support offer, as well as access government support with childcare costs.

     v.         That the increased funding rates for providers for additional support and inclusion for children with SEND which came into effect from April 2023 are monitored to see whether these result in improved parental satisfaction.


12.1    The Childcare Strategy Manager - Free Entitlement introduced the report which informed the Committee about childcare sufficiency in Brighton & Hove, parents’ and providers’ views of childcare in the city and the national and local policy context.


12.2    Cllr Hill raised points regarding the overall satisfaction of SEND children and the number of parents with SEND children that responded.


12.3    Cllr Helliwell quieried if any studies had been undertaken to establish why parents in Brighton & Hove are less likely to access their full allowance of early years free entitlement.


12.4    Cllr Hamilton raised questions regarding rates for children from East Sussex and West Sussex coming to Brighton & Hove.


12.5    Cllr Hill requested if a report could be completed outlining the number of parents with SEND children surveyed and their satisfaction rates, which the chair suggested was submitted as a written question to the next Committee for consideration.


12.6    Ms Robinson advised PaCC could create a survey relating to paragraph 4.7 of the report, to establish the difference in data between parents and carers with SEND children and those without.


12.7    RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


      i.         To note the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) (Appendix 1), which is published to parents and childcare providers so that childcare providers can develop their provision to meet local needs.

     ii.         That further work is carried out with early years childcare providers to assess their capacity to offer the extended childcare support offer.

    iii.         That early years providers are supported to review their business and operating models, as resources allow, to ensure that with the anticipated increase in funding, standalone Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE) provision is available as widely as possible and further support should be put in place for staff recruitment and retention once DfE plans are known.

   iv.         That Family Hubs develop support for parents through the direct service and the digital family hub to ensure that they are able to take up their full EYFE, including the extended childcare support offer, as well as access government support with childcare costs.

     v.         That the increased funding rates for providers for additional support and inclusion for children with SEND which came into effect from April 2023 are monitored to see whether these result in improved parental satisfaction.

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