Agenda item - Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2023/24
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Agenda item
Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2023/24
The Mayor will seek nominations for the Mayor for the municipal year 2023/24.
It is proposed that the Council elects Councillor O’Quinn as Mayor for the municipal year 2023/24.
5.1 The Mayor invited nominations for the position of Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the municipal year 2023/24.
5.2 Councillor Jackie O’Quinn was proposed by Councillor Bella Sankey and seconded by Councillor Williams.
5.3 The Mayor declared that, there being no other nominations, Councillor Jackie O’Quinn had been duly elected Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the forthcoming municipal year 2023/24.
5.4 The motion was agreed.
5.5 The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 5.07pm in order for Councillor O’Quinn as the incoming Mayor to be robed and to take the Chair for the meeting.