Agenda item - University Hospitals Sussex: Capital Investment Programme

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Agenda item

University Hospitals Sussex: Capital Investment Programme

Report of the Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources (copy attached).



7.1       This item was introduced by Peter Larsen-Disney, UHSx Clinical Director, 3Ts Redevelopment Programme; and James Millar, UHSx Deputy Director Capital Development & Property. Also on the call were Gordon Houliston, UHSx Deputy Divisional Director of Operations; and Dr Maria Grech, UHSx Consultant in Emergency Medicine.


7.2       Mr Larsen-Disney presented on the progress of 3Ts. Stage 1, the Louisa Martindale building, is now open for use, offering state of the art facilities unparalleled nationally. Work is progressing on stage 2, the Sussex Cancer Centre. This will serve city residents as well as operating as a Sussex-wide tertiary centre, supported by cancer hubs across Sussex. Stage 3 of 3Ts will see the development of a new facilities yard. Mr Millar updated the committee on initiatives including paediatric audiology, the completion of the new helideck and improving imaging systems. Mr Houliston and Dr Grech outlined plans to redevelop the emergency department to improve patient experience and help achieve treatment targets.


7.3       The Chair asked whether the opening of the Sussex Cancer Centre would mean fewer city residents having to travel to Hayward’s Heath for treatment. Mr Larsen-Disney responded that in the future, all tertiary services would be provided at the Sussex Cancer Centre.


7.4       Cllr Robins enquired whether the Sussex Cancer Centre could be used for young people, rather than them being referred to a Primary Treatment Centre in London. Mr Larsen-Disney replied that the incidence of children’s cancers is too low for a Sussex-based service to be feasible, hence the need for a regional service for South London and the South East.


7.5       Cllr Hill asked whether the redesign of the emergency department would solve current problems with the Royal Sussex A&E. Mr Houliston responded that the changes will provide much more space for activity which will definitely help with current capacity issues. However, improvement in discharge is also required.


7.6       Cllr Hill asked about issues with x-ray systems, and was told that this will be addressed as part of diagnostic improvements.


7.7       Cllr Hill asked a question about the helipad, and was told that the helipad was not yet in operation.


7.8       Cllr Evans asked a question about whether lung cancer surgery would continue to be delivered outside the city, and was told that this would remain the case: there is insufficient local demand to make anything other than a regional surgical service for thoracic cancers feasible. However, all wrap-around care for lung cancer will continue to be locally delivered.


7.9       The Chair thanked all the presenters, and noted that members would appreciate the opportunity to visit the Louisa Martindale building. A tour had been arranged for members of the HOSC earlier in the year and had been greatly appreciated, but there were now a number of new members on the committee.

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