Agenda item - The Council Plan 2023-27

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Agenda item

The Council Plan 2023-27


21.1    Councillor Sankey introduced, and formally moved the report.


21.2    Councillor Hill, Stevens, Bagaeen, McLeay and Atkinson spoke on the matter.


21.3    The Mayor congratulated Councillor Hill on their maiden speech on behalf of the council.


21.4    The Mayor congratulated Councillor Stevens on their maiden speech on behalf of the council.


21.5    The Mayor congratulated Councillor McLeay on their maiden speech on behalf of the council.


21.6    Councillor Sankey responded to the debate.


21.7    The Mayor, then put the recommendations as detailed in the report listed in the agenda to the vote which was carried.


21.8    RESOLVED:


(1)  That the council:

·        approved the draft Council plan 2023 to 2027;

·        delegated to the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader, the authority to make changes to the design and layout of the document before publication on the council’s website.

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