Agenda item - Proposals for the future of Hertford Infant and Hertford Junior Schools

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Agenda item

Proposals for the future of Hertford Infant and Hertford Junior Schools

Report of the Executive Director – Families, Children & Learning.


RESOLVED: That the Committee –


      i.         Noted the responses to the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal to create a one form entry Hertford primary school on one site and for this to be implemented by relocating Hertford Infant School to the junior school site and extending the age range to pupils aged 4-11 years.

     ii.         Agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal.

    iii.         Noted that following the statutory notice period the matter is referred back to the meeting of the Children, Families & Schools Committee on 6 November 2023 for a final decision.


24.1    The Head of School Organisation introduced the report which provided an update on the outcome of the recent public consultation in relation to Hertford Infant School and     Hertford Junior School becoming a single school and sought approval to proceed to the           next stage of the statutory process, which was the publication of Statutory Notices.


24.2    Cllr Taylor raised questions on the impact of falling pupil numbers on funding and    the education offer, both in the context of Hertford Schools and more broadly.


24.3    Cllr Goddard sought reassurances on the data around falling birth rates in the city and    some perspective on the effects for the school eco-system.


24.4    Cllr Goldsmith raised questions on the questionnaire and low response rate and why no equality impact assessment was undertaken.


24.5    Cllr Shanks raised points about people moving out of Brighton & Hove due to the cost of      living.


24.6    Cllr Taylor raised points about building affordable housing and the effects of how    expensive Brighton is.


24.7    RESOLVED: That the Committee –


      i.         Noted the responses to the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal to create a one form entry Hertford primary school on one site and for this to be implemented by relocating Hertford Infant School to the junior school site and extending the age range to pupils aged 4-11 years.

     ii.         Agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal.

    iii.         Noted that following the statutory notice period the matter is referred back to the meeting of the Children, Families & Schools Committee on 6 November 2023 for a final decision.

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