Agenda item - BH2017/01665 - Whitehawk Clinic, Whitehawk Road, Brighton - Deed of Variation

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Agenda item

BH2017/01665 - Whitehawk Clinic, Whitehawk Road, Brighton - Deed of Variation


1.       The Planning Manager introduced the application to the Committee.




2.       Mr Daniel Harris spoke in objection to the scheme stating that there had been a significant reduction in level of units now proposed, which would be detrimental to those in need in the area. The variation proposed would result in greater profits for the developer and the commuted sum proposed was inadequate to off-set that. There was a lack of public consultation before the decision was made by BHCC to purchase the units.


3.       It was confirmed that this was an application to vary the existing permission, the rationale for which was set out in the officer report.




4.       There was no debate and the Committee moved directly to the vote.




5.       A vote was taken, and the Committee agreed unanimously to grant the proposed Deed of Variation.


6.       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolved to GRANT the Deed of Variation to the S106 Agreement Section 108 Agreement dated 19 July 2018 in connection with planning permission BH2017/01665, subject to a review mechanism.


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