Agenda item - BH2022/01983 - The Hilltop Café, Hill Top, Brighton - Full Planning
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Agenda item
BH2022/01983 - The Hilltop Café, Hill Top, Brighton - Full Planning
1. The Planning Manager introduced the application to the Committee.
Answers to Committee Member Questions
2. Councillor Allen enquired regarding the highways impact of the proposals, and it was confirmed that it was not envisaged that this would not be any different to the existing.
3. Councillor Lyons stated that residents had expressed concerns given that the car park was currently full for much of the day considering that the provision of takeaway services could increase traffic flows. The Planning Manager indicated the location of additional “yellow line” restrictions. In highways terms the provision of a takeaway service was not considered to represent a significant change. In answer to further questions by Councillor Lyons relating to encouraging customers to arrive on foot or by public transport it was considered that would be difficult in view of the site’s location, but that it did attract walkers/cyclists heading to/from the Downs.
4. In answer to questions by Councillor Loughran, the Chair, it was explained that the crossover from Dyke Road Avenue would be widened slightly and that overall, there would be a small reduction in parking area but it would be marked out so safer. A small area would be provided for moped delivery drivers.
5. Councillor Cattell stated that this premises had existed at this location for a number of years, the Traffic and Transport teams had raised no objections and she considered that the building works proposed represented an improvement.
6. Councillor Allan was in agreement considering that given its location the majority of customers, e.g., hikers would visit and eat there rather than use the takeaway facility.
7. Councillor Nann concurred in that view as did Councillor Earthey who also considered the proposal to be acceptable.
8. Councillor Lyons stated that he had some reservations given that the residents had voiced concerns regarding potential parking issues. He was aware that the car park was often full for much of the day, without the addition of a takeaway service. He would have liked to see a condition(s) encouraging less car travel to the site and traffic control measures such as traffic lights for access/egress from the site.
9. A vote was taken and on a vote of 8 with 1 abstention planning permission was granted.
10. RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendations set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives also set out in the report.
Supporting documents:
- Header BH2022 01983 - The Hilltop Cafe Hill Top, item 16E PDF 174 KB View as HTML (16E/1) 3 KB
- Plan BH2022 01983 - The Hilltop Cafe Hill Top, item 16E PDF 263 KB
- Report BH2022-01983 - Hill Top Hill Top Cafe - FP - Extension and Landscaping, item 16E PDF 98 KB View as HTML (16E/3) 86 KB
- Cllr Brown Rep BH2022 01983 - The Hilltop Cafe Hill Top, item 16E PDF 272 KB View as HTML (16E/4) 4 KB
- Item E - BH2022 01983 - The Hilltop Cafe Hill Top, item 16E PDF 3 MB