Agenda item - Healthwatch Brighton & Hove Annual Report

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Agenda item

Healthwatch Brighton & Hove Annual Report

Presentation from Healthwatch on their latest annual report (copy attached)


9.1       This item was presented by Geoffrey Bowden, Chair of Healthwatch Brighton & Hove.


9.2       Mr Bowden outlined the statutory role of Healthwatch, explaining that it operates as a critical friend for local NHS and care services. Healthwatch endeavours to support services, but ca be a robust critic when it needs to be. Healthwatch has only 5 full time employees, and relies heavily on its dedicated volunteers. Healthwatch works very closely with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), contributing to the CQC’s provider inspection programme.


9.3       Mr Bowden told members that issues of particular local concern include access to GP and dental services.


9.4       Members thanked Healthwatch for the excellent work it had carried out in the past year.



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