Agenda item - Rent Controls

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Agenda item

Rent Controls

Proposed by Councillor McLeay on behalf of the Green Group.


29.1     The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor McLeay on behalf of the Green Group and formally seconded by Councillor Hill.


29.2     The Mayor noted that there was an amendment from the Labour Group in relation to this motion as set out in the addendum papers.


29.3     Councillor Williams moved the amendment on behalf of the Labour Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Sheard.


29.4     The Mayor congratulated Councillor Sheard on their maiden speech on behalf of the council.


29.5      Councillors Meadows spoke on the matter.


29.6     Councillor McLeay confirmed that they would not accept the amendment.


29.7     The Mayor then put the Labour Group amendment to the vote which was carried.


29.8     The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


            “Council notes

1.  On June 23rd   2021 a  motion at  Housing Committee to commit to introducing Landlord Licencing in our City

2. On 17th November 2021 a motion was passed at Housing Committee to declare an intention to adopt a zero tolerance approach to rogue landlords

3. on 15 December 2022 a motion was passed at full council to take a tougher approach to enforcement where there are hazardous conditions in private rented homes

4. 16th March 2022 a motion was passed at Housing committee requesting that the Chief executive Write to the Secretary of State to ask that powers to implement rents controls are given to the city of Brighton and Hove.

5. Rents are high and the lack of affordable housing is causing distress and poverty


Council resolves to request that the Housing Committee considers:

1. Implementation of Landlord licensing at the soonest opportunity

2. Taking a tougher approach to enforcement where there are poor conditions in the Private Rental Sector

3. Adoption of a zero tolerance approach to rogue landlords

4. Exploration of how we can develop a long term strategy to improve conditions and affordability for private renters on our city including calling for rent control powers. following the examples of The Mayor of London Sadiq khan and the Mayer of Bristol Marvis Rees who have called for powers to impose rent controls.

5. Do all we can to provide more affordable, decent homes for our residents.”


29.9     The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.

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