Agenda item - BH2022/03385 - 239-243 Kingsway, Hove - Removal or Variation of Condition
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Agenda item
BH2022/03385 - 239-243 Kingsway, Hove - Removal or Variation of Condition
1. The Planning Manager introduced the application to the committee.
Answers to Committee Member Questions
2. Councillor Shanks was informed that the 5% of the units would be accessible and this conditioned at appeal. The only issue in the adaptable units would be the length of the kitchen worksurface. It was noted that the development meets policy M4 (3). The Principal Building Control Surveyor the proposed buildings include optional M4 (2a and 2b). These regulations are not enforceable.
3. Councillor Theobald was informed by the Principal Building Control Surveyor that the two accessible units were on the ground floor and compliant with building regulations regarding door widths, bathrooms etc.
4. Councillor Robinson was informed that both accessible units were on the ground floor and exceeded the 5% of accessible units required.
5. Councillor Miller was informed by the agent acting on behalf of the applicant that the kitchens in the accessible units would be tailored to the occupiers needs.
6. Councillor Fishleigh noted the application has been refused at committee and allowed at appeal. The councillor considered the developers were ‘land banking’. It was noted by the Planning Manager that the works had started, and this site could not be therefore considered as ‘land banking’.
7. Councillor Theobald considered it a shame the application had been agreed at appeal, however the reduction in the number of units was a good thing.
8. Councillor Shanks stated that they did not support the application and considered the constant changes to the scheme to be good.
9. Councillor noted that the applicant can come back to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) any time and request variations to conditions.
10. A vote was taken, and by 9 to 1 the committee agreed to grant planning permission.
11. RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.
Supporting documents:
- Header BH2022 03385 - 239-243 Kingsway, item 26A PDF 4 KB View as HTML (26A/1) 3 KB
- Plan BH2022 03385 - 239-243 Kingsway, item 26A PDF 246 KB
- Report BH2022 03385 - 239-243 Kingsway, item 26A PDF 229 KB View as HTML (26A/3) 102 KB
- Item A - BH2022 03385 - 239-243 Kingsway, item 26A PDF 2 MB