Agenda item - Protected Characteristics for Care Experienced Young People

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Agenda item

Protected Characteristics for Care Experienced Young People

Report of the Executive Director –  Families, Children & Learning.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


      i.         That Care Experience is adopted as a protected characteristic by Brighton and Hove City Council.

     ii.         That all Equalities Impact Assessments and Committee reports will consider the implications for children in care and those with care experience, to support the Council’s duties as a Corporate Parent.


21.1    The Assistant Director – Safeguarding & Care introduced the report which gave a view   to the Council adopting a policy so that Care Experience was treated as if it were a     Protected Characteristic. 


21.2    Cllr Daniel queried how the impact of the policy would be measured and the role of the       Corporate Parenting Board in reviewing the impact.


21.3    Mr Muirhead sought reassurances on if care-experienced children included those      adopted from care.


21.4    Cllr Tayor requested further information on the wider work that was being undertaken to    support care experienced children and young people, such as employment and           apprenticeships.


21.5    Cllr Shanks raised questions about housing issues for care experienced children and   families, the support available to them and the lack of inclusion of considerations for          care experienced children in the equality impact assessment for disability provision.


21.6    Cllr Daniel queried how genuine collaboration would be undertaken with the           voluntary and charity sector and Police and Crime Commissioner, given the increased        likelihood of criminalisation for care experienced young people.


21.7    The Chair requested that a report was brought back in 12 months to update the           Committee on the progress of the work.


21.8    RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


      i.         That Care Experience is adopted as a protected characteristic by Brighton and Hove City Council.

     ii.         That all Equalities Impact Assessments and Committee reports will consider the implications for children in care and those with care experience, to support the Council’s duties as a Corporate Parent.

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