Agenda item - Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions

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Agenda item

Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions

The Chair of the Board will formally ask if anyone is attending to represent another member, and if anyone has a personal and/or financial interest in anything being discussed at the meeting.  The Board will then consider whether any of the discussions to be held need to be in private.


            (a) Declarations of Substitutes


15.1    Isabella Davis-Fernandez was present in substitution for Dr Jane Padmore, Chloe Rogers was present in substitution for Siobhan Melia and Andrew Jones was present in substitution for Lola Banjoko. Georgina Clarke-Green was present in substitution for Deb Austin. Will Tuckley (BHCC Interim Chief Executive sent his apologies.


            (b) Declarations of Interest


15.2    Councillor Burden advised that he was employed by East Sussex County Council several of the reports appearing on that days agenda were cross-cutting and referred to partnership working. In consequence he considered that it was appropriate to declare this. He did not however have a pecuniary or prejudicial interest in any item appearing on that days agenda.


15.4    Councillor Hogan advised that she I was declaring that as a consultant psychiatrist one of her roles was based in the Sussex Partnership NHS Trust.  This was not a pecuniary or prejudicial interest but as three items on that days agenda involved discussion of mental health issues, she considered that it  was appropriate to declare an interest.


            (c) Exclusion of Press and Public


15.5    There were no Part Two items and therefore the press and public were not excluded during consideration of any item of business on the agenda.


15.6    RESOLVED – That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting during consideration of ay item of business on the agenda.


            (d) Webcasting of the meeting


15.7    The Chair advised that the meeting was being webcast and would be capable of repeated future viewing.


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