Agenda item - Minutes and actions of the previous meeting
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Agenda item
Minutes and actions of the previous meeting
Minutes and actions of the meeting held on 6th June – 15 minutes.
3 Minutes and actions of the previous meeting
3.1 Mitch Watkinson highlighted that his name was not included on the minutes from the previous meeting.
3.2 RESOLVED: Subject to the above amendment, the minutes from the meeting held on 6 June 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
3.3 In relation to NA2, Justine Harris advised that the branches had been removed but she would arrange a date with Ian Beck to visit Tavistock Down and deal with the remaining outstanding issues as the job had not yet been actioned.
3.4 Regarding NA9, Martin Reid confirmed he would arrange a visit to Southmount before the end of the month to review the refuse collection issues.
3.5 In relation to NA5, Geof Gage confirmed he would follow up with Jim Hornsby directly to further discuss the decision that leaseholders/ residents cannot be allowed access to the roof of Mimosa Court.
3.6 Regarding NA6, Martin Reid advised himself, Justine Harris and Geof Gage would consider what communications could be put out to acknowledge that the installation of solar panels at Mimosa Court was a resident initiative.
3.7 In relation to NA7, Sam Warren confirmed she would liaise with Justine Harris, Rebecca Mann and Martin Reid to look into why no mowing was being done at Mimosa Court and resolve the issue outside of the meeting.
3.8 In relation to NA3, Justine Harris confirmed she would advise Barney Miller of City Parks response on general grass cutting as a verbal update could not be given at the Panel.
Supporting documents:
North AP draft minutes - 6th June 2023, item 3.
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North Area Actions from Area Panel meeting 6.6.23, item 3.
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