Agenda item - BH2022/02809 - St Agnes Church, Newtown Road, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2022/02809 - St Agnes Church, Newtown Road, Hove - Full Planning


1.         The Planning Manager introduced the application to the committee. It was noted that the permissions sought were not temporary and that the application had been deferred from a previous committee to allow the applicant to provide a Noise Management Plan.


Answers to Committee Member Questions


2.         Councillor Earthey was informed by the case officer that the doorway and access onto the balcony were unauthorised. The application seeks to regularise the balcony.


3.         Councillor Nann was informed that the complaints process set out in the Noise Management Plan would be conducted via email.




4.         Councillor Nann did not consider the church building to be lovely in appearance.


5.         Councillor Earthey did not consider the church building to be distinctive.


6.         Councillor Loughran noted the doorway was unauthorised and the access would encourage use of the balcony and thereby cause harm to the amenity of the neighbours and area.




7.         A vote was taken, and by 2 to 6 the committee voted against the officer

recommendation to grant planning permission.


8.         Councillor Theobald wished to protect the amenities of the area and not increase the impact on the church building.


9.         The case officer noted the building was not listed.


10.      Councillor Nann agreed that the council needed to be strong on unauthorised development and that the changes proposed would make an ugly building worse.


11.      The Planning Manager noted that the unauthorised actions of the applicant were not for consideration. It was also noted that only privacy screens were proposed in the current application, not the use of the balcony.


12.      The case officer noted the change of use of the building had taken place some years ago, however, the terrace was not open until the doorway was created to gain access, hence the conditions attached to the permission. It was noted that screens were proposed to maintain the privacy of the neighbours.


13.      Councillor Loughran proposed an alternative recommendation, seconded by Councillor Nann, that the reasons for refusal were that the proposals were contrary to policy DM18, DM21 and CP12 with the Planning Manager to agree the wording with the Committee Members.




14.      A recorded vote was taken, and Councillors Hamilton, Nann, Theobald, Earthey, Sheard, Winder and Loughran voted for the alternative recommendation to refuse the application. Councillor Shanks voted against the alternative recommendation.

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