Agenda item - BH2022/02810 - St Agnes Church, Newtown Road, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2022/02810 - St Agnes Church, Newtown Road, Hove - Full Planning


1.         The Planning Manager introduced the application to the committee, noting that the application had been deferred from a previous committee to allow the applicant to provide a Noise Management Plan.


Answers to Committee Member Questions


2.         Councillor Shanks was informed that the applicant had decided to submit separate applications for the balcony and vents. It was noted that enforcement action could be taken if the application were refused.


3.         Councillor Theobald was informed that the grill was on the end elevation of the building.


4.         Councillor Earthey was informed that the council took enforcement action when justifiable and expedient.




5.         Councillor Theobald considered the application should be refused as the other application had been.


6.         Councillor Loughran noted the other application had been refused on amenity grounds and impact and did not consider this application to be the same.


7.         Councillor Shanks supported the application.


8.         Councillor Nann was informed that the application was to regularise the situation.




9.         A vote was taken, and by 6 to 1, and 1 abstention the committee voted against the officer recommendation.


10.      An alternative recommendation was proposed by Councillor Nann and seconded by Councillor Loughran to refuse the application as being contrary to policy DM18.


11.      A recorded vote was taken and Councillors Nann, Theobald, Earthey, Sheard, Winder and Loughran voted for the alternative recommendation. Councillor Shanks voted against the alternative recommendation. Councillor Hamilton abstained from the vote.

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