Agenda item - Strategic Risk 15 Annual Progress Update

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Agenda item

Strategic Risk 15 Annual Progress Update

Report of the Executive Director –  Families, Children & Learning.


RESOLVED: That the Committee –


      i.         Noted Appendix 1, which detailed the strategic risk and current mitigating controls and actions being taken.

     ii.         Noted Appendix 2, which provided a guide to the risk management process and guidance for Members to input in the process.

    iii.         Agreed to make any recommendations for further action(s) to the risk owner, the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning.


23.1    The Service Manager - Directorate Policy & Business Support introduced the report         which provided an update on progress on the actions that the Council was taking to         mitigate the risk around ‘Keeping Children Safe from Harm and Abuse’ (Strategic Risk           15).


23.2    Cllr Shanks queried what the main reasons were for the risk being reduced.


23.3    Cllr Goldsmith raised a question about independent assurances.


23.4    RESOLVED: That the Committee –


      i.         Noted Appendix 1, which detailed the strategic risk and current mitigating controls and actions being taken.

     ii.         Noted Appendix 2, which provided a guide to the risk management process and guidance for Members to input in the process.

    iii.         Agreed to make any recommendations for further action(s) to the risk owner, the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning.

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