Agenda item - Proposal for the future delivery of After School Clubs for children and young people with a disability
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Agenda item
Proposal for the future delivery of After School Clubs for children and young people with a disability
Report of the Executive Director – Families, Children & Learning.
RESOLVED: That the Committee –
i. Agreed to the proposal of re-commissioning the after school clubs through the two special schools Hill Park and Downs View schools. This would be a new model of delivery and commissioned through a service level agreement (SLA) as both schools are maintained through the local authority. The SLA would be for an initial term of three years with the option to extend for a further period of up to two years, subject to good performance.
22.1 The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities, Executive Head of Hill Park School and Consultant for SEND-based services introduced the report which outlined the proposal for the running of after school clubs for children and young people with a disability in the city through the two special schools Hill Park and Downs View.
22.2 Cllr Shanks raised questions regarding the financial implications, if other provision options were explored and if costs for school transport were covered.
22.3 Mr Muirhead raised questions on Extratime’s role in providing youth work provision and the role of the broader community of stakeholders, ensuring SEND children and young people in the city could access youth work, Extratime’s commissioning issues and what assurances could be given to community and voluntary sector organisations that this wouldn’t reoccur.
22.4 Cllr Goddard praised the proposed model and raised points about the lessons learned from the process and how the provision would help to support an increased number of children and young people with disabilities for the same cost.
22.5 Ms Robinson raised points about the closure of Extratime and the support they had provided to families within the city, children and young people with SEND who attend mainstream schools and holding discussions on afterschool clubs at the Hive.
22.6 Cllr Hamilton queried if Extratime were running the after-school clubs until October, if there would be a holiday scheme in the October half-term and who would be providing that.
22.7 Cllr Goldsmith queried how the reduction in days the provision was offered would be monitored and requested details of the staffing ratio, admissions policy and eligibility.
22.8 RESOLVED: That the Committee –
i. Agreed to the proposal of re-commissioning the after school clubs through the two special schools Hill Park and Downs View schools. This would be a new model of delivery and commissioned through a service level agreement (SLA) as both schools are maintained through the local authority. The SLA would be for an initial term of three years with the option to extend for a further period of up to two years, subject to good performance.
Supporting documents:
- Proposal for the future delivery of After School Clubs for children and young people with a disability, item 22. PDF 419 KB View as HTML (22./1) 67 KB
- Appendix 1 Downs View Results of parent carer Survey Monkey Summary After School Club provision, item 22. PDF 330 KB View as HTML (22./2) 5 KB
- Appendix 1 Hill Park Results of parent carer Survey Monkey Summary After School Club provision, item 22. PDF 635 KB View as HTML (22./3) 4 KB
- FCL28-EIA-Proposal for After School Clubs-Aproved-01-Sep-23, item 22. PDF 922 KB View as HTML (22./4) 160 KB