Agenda item - A23 Phase 1 Active Travel Scheme - TRO

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Agenda item

A23 Phase 1 Active Travel Scheme - TRO

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)            That the Committee, having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees that TRO-26-2023 is approved and can proceed to implementation stage for Parking Permit Zone J changes only, with the amendments to the Parking Permit Zone Q arrangement, as detailed at Section 4.3 and Appendix 3 being pursued by officers under a future TRO.


2)            That the committee delegates authority to officers to commence the A23 Active Travel Scheme Phase 1 (Phases 1a and 1b) to the construction phase and to procure the Works Contract under the authority of the Executive Director, subject to available funding.


30.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that sought approval for the making of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the Active Travel Funded A23 Phase 1 Walking, Cycling and Accessibility Improvement scheme (A23 Active Travel Scheme).  It outlined the results of the TRO consultation as required for alterations to the Public Highway for implementation.


30.2      Councillors Robinson, Davis, Loughran and Bagaeen asked questions and contributed to the debate of the report.


30.3      Resolved-


1)             That the Committee, having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees that TRO-26-2023 is approved and can proceed to implementation stage for Parking Permit Zone J changes only, with the amendments to the Parking Permit Zone Q arrangement, as detailed at Section 4.3 and Appendix 3 being pursued by officers under a future TRO.


2)             That the committee delegates authority to officers to commence the A23 Active Travel Scheme Phase 1 (Phases 1a and 1b) to the construction phase and to procure the Works Contract under the authority of the Executive Director, subject to available funding.

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