Agenda item - Member Involvement

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Agenda item

Member Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by Members:


(a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions;


(b)          Written Questions: To consider any written questions;


(c)          Letters: To consider any letters;


(d)          Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Full Council or submitted directly to the Committee.




c)       Member Questions


1)             Greenways


27.1      Councillor Fishleigh read the following question:


“Farmer Ben Carr attended the 6 July meeting of this committee to request that BHCC implement a no overnight camping ban on Greenways road in Ovingdean.

This is because his crops are being damaged by people living in vehicles. The response he received is that the Council’s highways lawyers need to investigate how to introduce a new bylaw. What progress has been made?”


27.2      The Chair provided the following reply:


“Thank you Councillor Fishleigh. We are looking at how this type of issue could be captured by byelaws as there are a list of matters that can be caught – these are prescribed by government.

It is important to note that if the issue can be dealt with under different legislation, it should be, rather than using the byelaw system. Therefore, all options are being researched and once we have completed that, we will be able to advise”


2)             Paypoint


27.3      Councillor Fishleigh read the following question:


“On 6 July I wrote to the chair of this committee and officers to inform them that Handy Hardware in Rottingdean is open to becoming a PayPoint location.

Unfortunately, PayPoint has not been in touch with the shop’s owners.  Why is this?”


27.4      The Chair provided the following reply:


“Councillor Fishleigh, the Parking Strategy & Contracts team have been actively following this up with PayByPhone.

PayPoint have been made aware of the store’s intention and the matter is with their field team who are reviewing the request.

PayPoint are independent to the council and our cashless parking provider. Going forwards we suggest prospective outlets contact PayPoint directly to discuss becoming agents”.


3)             Valley Gardens 3


27.5      Councillor Fishleigh read the following question:


“What is the projected price for the implementation of the agreed plan for Valley Gardens 3  based on 2023 building costs?”


27.6      The Chair provided the following reply:


“Thank you, Councillor Fishleigh. Phase 3 of the Valley Gardens Scheme is currently under review but the latest cost estimates for the entire project including construction have been estimated using current rates applicable to the BHCC Highways Framework in which the team intend to procure the works. This has enabled the team to use current rates to determine likely costs.  The total estimated costs are approximately  £12.8k including risk and contingencies.

The team will continue to seek Value for Money though the procurement process for the works to minimise costs for construction wherever possible”.


27.7      Councillor Fishleigh asked the following supplementary question:


“What elements will be revised?”


27.8      The Chair provided the following reply:


“Valley Gardens 3 is an important issue to the Administration. The review is in process and as a major project, we need to understand the detail. This is an important discussion, and we have since met with Brighton & Hove Buses and continue to review aspects of the project to ensure bus flow and capacity is not impacted”.


4)             Black Rock


27.9      Councillor Fishleigh read the following question:


“How will the new link road between Black Rock and the marina be used over the next one, five and ten years?”


27.10   The Chair provided the following reply:


“Councillor Fishleigh. information about how this link aligned with planning policies and would be used was set out in the planning application that was submitted in 2020.  In the short term, it is intended that it will provide enhanced cycle and pedestrian linkages and be an important emergency access for the marina and for large events at the Black Rock site during its temporary use.  It has been designed with the potential for bus and pedestrian and cycle use in the longer term.  The link is not being provided for car or private vehicle access.  The timeframe for implementing any public transport scheme is unknown and therefore the interim scheme is likely to be in operation for a significant period.

The preparation of a development brief for the Black Rock site is due to be completed next year and this will help guide how future transport arrangements will need to be developed and managed by the future owner and operator of the site. This will include further consideration of how the link could be used”.


27.11   Councillor Fishleigh asked the following supplementary question:


“Will you reassure residents that this kind of road project with no measurable benefits or clear outcomes is the kind this committee will avoid under your leadership?”


27.12   The Chair provided the following reply:


“If I understand the technical side, he does not have value as a road but may have future value as a road for active travel. It’s there as part of the planning application is its for the future site owner to determine how useful it will be. The developer may want to develop it for a specific purpose”.


5)             Drains


27.13   Councillor Fishleigh read the following question:


“Blocked drains cause puddles which endanger all road users.  What is the process for identifying which roadside drains need to be cleared?”


27.14   The Chair provided the following reply:


“Thanks Councillor Fishleigh. We have 20,000 surface water gullies and the basis for identifying Cyclical Gulley Maintenance is historical silt values which are recorded on our Surface Water Gulley Asset mapping system, Map 16, we also take in to account, previous flooding issues, is it in a Flood Risk Zone, and the road category (resilient network)

We also have 5,000 soakaways which are cleansed on an Ad-Hoc basis as and when necessary, which has recently changed from a 100 year cycle

Often the gullies are not blocked, but there are capacity issues with the Southern Water combined system that we outfall to, or as has become more prevalent, our system cannot cope with the storm frequency, especially where properties are discharging surface water on to the highway”.


27.15   Councillor Fishleigh asked the following supplementary question:


“Will you commit to keeping drains clear as your list of priorities?”


27.16   The Chair provided the following reply:


“Drainage is very important and blocked drains are a concern and we do consider them a priority. We need to look at how viable that is and I happy to request a technical report on the impact of the cutting of grass verges. We are also mindful of the impact of climate change increasing severe weather events and storm frequency”.


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