Agenda item - BH2023/01573 - 44 The Cliff, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2023/01573 - 44 The Cliff, Brighton - Full Planning


1.         The Planning Manager introduced the application to the committee.


Answers to Committee Member Questions


2.         Councillor Fishleigh was informed that there was a condition requiring a bin store at the site. The Planning Manager informed the councillor that the adding a condition to stop the change of use to House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) was not necessary because planning permission would be required for such a use.


3.         Councillor Cattell was informed by the case officer that there 5 bedrooms in total, 2 above and 3 below. The Planning Manager stated that 5 unrelated persons, and below, was not considered an HMO. The case officer confirmed that the existing permission included a unilateral undertaking that the flat was ancillary to the ground floor flat. There was no condition to use as a ‘granny annexe’.


4.         Councillor Robinson was informed that the garden structures were ancillary to the ground floor flat.




5.         Councillor Cattell did not consider the kitchen to be correctly located for Building Regulations.


6.         The case officer noted that the bedrooms had means of escape other than through the kitchen.




7.         A vote was taken, and by 5 to 2 the committee granted planning permission. (Councillors Shanks and Theobald took no part in the vote or decision-making process).


8.         RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.

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