Agenda item - Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
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Agenda item
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
14:00 – 5 Minutes
North Area Panel Agenda (copy attached)
Meeting Invitation (copy attached)
Housing Surgeries (copy attached)
1.1Chair Theresa Mackey began the meeting by welcoming officers, residents, and visitors to the panel.
1.2Apologies were made by the Councillor Chair Cllr Sheard for not attending in person.
1.3The Chair reminded the panel and those in attendance of the Engagement Conduct Guidelines for the meeting and brought attention to the rules laid out in the document and expectations for the behaviour and involvement of those at the meeting and outlined their hope for communications and contributions to be given in a polite and respectful manner.
Supporting documents:
North Area Panel agenda, item 1.
PDF 520 KB View as HTML (1./1) 21 KB
North AP Invite - Dec, item 1.
PDF 97 KB View as HTML (1./2) 8 KB
Housing Surgeries, item 1.
PDF 465 KB View as HTML (1./3) 6 KB