Agenda item - Action Log

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Agenda item

Action Log

14:05 – 10 Minutes

Actions from Previous Meeting (copy attached)


2    ACTION LOG                                                                                                            11 - 14


2.1 The Chair noted the first action, regarding Tavistock Down and dealing with outstanding issues as being complete.


2.2 This was agreed unanimously and confirmed by the representatives of the Hollingdean Residents Association. 


2.3 Barney Miller (Sylvan Hall Residents Association) noted that they raised this as an issue and added they had a meeting with officers from CityParks regarding grass cutting and overgrown areas, nothing that this remains to be addressed.


2.4 The Chair then moved to the next action, regarding refuse collection at Southmount and that this action was recorded as complete.


2.5 The Chair moved to the next item, with regards to leaseholders and access to the roof at Mimosa Court, noting that this action was listed as complete.


2.6 The Chair then raised the next item in the action log, regarding communications which are to be put out with regards to the installation of solar panels at Mimosa Court.


2.7 Jim Hornsby noted that whilst he had spoken with an officer, earlier in the day, and an agreement had been reached to see this action through, it remained incomplete and that the record was incorrect.


2.8 Keely McDonald also noted that they were drafting an article to be circulated with regards to this.


2.9 The Chair then moved to the next item in the action log; grass cutting and works in the hallway at Mimosa Court. Making note that the grass cutting remained outstanding and the works in the hallway had been completed.


2.10 The Chair then moved to item 8 regarding an EDB bid for for outstanding works for the youth club at Coldean, this was noted as being incomplete and unable to take place due to preliminary works required. Residents noted that this was an urgent issue for Coldean Forum as they are paying rent on the property.


2.11 The Chair noted item 9 regarding accessible showers had been actioned and that item 10 regarding signage on the Bates Estate had not been completed. A representative of the TRA confirmed this had been noted by officers and thanked them for their contributions.


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